Saturday, August 31, 2019

Edu100 Artefact Analysis

What does it mean to be a teacher in the 21st century? Schoolteachers provide students with education and preparation for adulthood. However, what it means to be a teacher in the 21st century is rife with ambiguity. An analysis of educational artefacts will aid in answering this question. One is a system-level document titled Closing the Gap (Appendix A), while the other is a school-level document outlining the homework guidelines at Siena Catholic College (Appendix B).Discussion on these documents will relate to one of four educational discourses and the effects of policies on students, teachers and the schooling milieu. The four educational discourses include academic rationalism, social and economic efficiency, child centred learning, and social reconstruction (Morris, 1998, p. 12). The Department of Education and Training produced the document Closing the Gap in July 2009. This document outlines an initiative to reduce Indigenous disadvantages under the pretence of education as a dominant catalyst for improved health and personal human capital.Ross & Wu (1995, p. 719) advocate this pretence, stating ‘high educational attainment improves health directly, and it improves health indirectly through work and economic conditions, social-psychological resources, and health lifestyle’. Halving the gap for Indigenous reading, writing, numeracy, and Year 12 attainment within a decade is the predominant goal for the Closing the Gap scheme. Essentially then, a discourse of social reconstruction underpins this document, as it focuses on community interaction, injustices, social problems and inequalities.Generally, the policies introduced enforce a foundation of inclusivity and anti-discrimination in the actions of teachers. The effects on students, however, will be more profound. Higher levels of education bring wealth and changes in social class, which in turn allows resources for further education (Orr, 2003, p. 282). This will narrow the social classes b etween students, encouraging collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Although a discourse of social reconstruction is prevalent throughout this document, some policies that are introduced are based on other discourses.Academic rationalism is another discourse that can be associated with the policies in Closing the Gap. The ‘Deadly Maths’ initiative encourages high expectations of attendance, behaviour and performance to raise numeracy education outcomes for Indigenous students. This policy aims to improve schoolteacher understanding of the nature and pedagogy of mathematics, particularly the role of symbols and pattern recognition. It also aims to improve the teachers understanding of the nature and pedagogy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture, language, and out of school life.Initially, this may seem unrelated to mathematics, or any academic discipline. However, teachers are not removed from traditions other than science, t hat is, rational inquiry and the search for truth. As Moran (2005) states, ‘An historian or a sociologist who is ignorant of religion will be hampered within his or her own field of scholarship. The classroom is not a place for proselytising but the traditions of the students deserve respect and the tradition of the teacher needs acknowledgment’.Differences in literacy and numeracy levels between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students were revealed through NAPLAN and will continue to be tested this way in the future. This method of testing can be attributed to the academic rationalist educational discourse and can be detrimental to achieving the goals and ideals detailed throughout this document. ‘The potentially destructive affects of such data on school, teachers' and students' self-esteem was suggested as a real negative of NAPLAN for Indigenous students’ (Lingard, 2011, p. 230).Ironically, the use of these tests is in opposition to a discourse of social reconstruction, the discourse which underpins the entirety of Closing the Gap. ‘From a social constructivist perspective, five explanations for the literacy achievement gap appear plausible: linguistic differences, cultural differences, discrimination, inferior education, and rationales for schooling’ (Au, 1998, p. 297). Au’s last three explanations given are now in the process of rectification. However, English is a second language for many rural Indigenous students, giving them an immediate disadvantage in IQ and NAPLAN tests.Figueroa & Garcia (1994, p. 10) state that tests and testing need to be racially and culturally non-discriminatory and should be provided in the primary language. If NAPLAN is used to measure the gap in literacy and numeracy skills, an overwhelming burden will be placed on schoolteachers. Indigenous parents will be encouraged to speak in English to their children from birth in order to close the gap, eventually leading to the abolishment of their native language. Alternatively, NAPLAN tests can be available in the native language.In this scenario, schoolteachers will be required to learn the native language; otherwise large numbers of teachers who are proficient in the native language will need to be trained. Another educational discourse presented in this document is one of social and economic efficiency. Closing the Gap also introduces some policies based on a discourse of social and economic efficiency. An example of this is the introduction of wraparound support for Indigenous school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs).These services assist in the participation and completion of SATs, mentoring, and successful transitions from school to employment or further training. This can be categorised into the social an economic efficiency discourse, as it focuses on current and future labour needs. This discourse adopts a ‘hands-on’ approach for students, expanding on vocational knowledge and skill s. Teachers play a major role in the advertising of such services and the modification of curriculum and co-curricular activities for students participating in SATs. When detailing their research, Smith & Wilson (2002, p. 7) reported that ‘more than half of the students had learned about the school-based new apprenticeship through school, either through a teacher or co-ordinator (58%) or from a notice board at school (6. 7%)’. These services positively impact on students, particularly those at risk of becoming socially isolated or disengaging from school. When speaking on students who are unlikely to pursue a bachelor’s degree, Bishop (1995, p. 14) states that ‘at-risk students should be advised to start building their foundation of occupational skills and knowledge while they are still in school’.Another policy presented in this document may also have a positive impact on Indigenous students. The ‘Flexible Alternative Learning Program’ presented in Closing the Gap is designed for students who are at-risk of separating themselves from school. This program delivers culturally relevant and capability appropriate curriculum, whether vocational or academic. The full range of student needs will be addressed, including basic material needs, travel requirements, health and nutrition and personal support requirements.This initiative is based on a child centred learning discourse as it focuses on the individual, providing opportunities for personal growth. However, all four educational discourses characterise different areas of this program. This program will allow students with special needs to have more time with teachers, ensuring teachers maintain a caring and nurturing environment. However, to further clarify the role of teachers in the 21st century, another document will be analysed. Siena Catholic College produced the document Homework Guidelines in 2007.This document outlines what homework is, why it is necessary, t he amount of homework given, and categorises the different types of homework. This document introduces homework with two definitions; as a method of consolidating or preparing for class studies, and as formal assessment that may be completed using both class time and time outside normal lessons. Against this first definition, Otto (1957, p. 367) states, ‘homework is not significantly related to achievement as measured by teacher marks or standardized tests’. However, many academics praise homework. Goldstein (1960, p. 22) believes that authors have a tendency to frame their conclusions of the values of homework in terms that favour preconceived notions about homework and for subsequent authors to cite these unfavourable conclusions rather than the actual research findings. The second definition given in this document is founded in a discourse of academic rationalism, where teachers test students on their ability to complete set tasks. This discourse can affect students negatively, giving those with more resources, such as access to tutors, ICT’s, and textbooks, a distinct advantage.Also, teachers should be cautious when conducting this form of assessment, as plagiarism can occur when students are not under direct supervision of the teacher. Although academic rationalism may impact negatively on teachers and students, other discourses presented in this document will not. A discourse of social and economic efficiency is prevalent throughout this document. The document praises homework for fostering good learning habits, self-discipline, planning, organising, ICT skills, resource collection and multimedia knowledge.These tacit skills can be utilised in many career pathways. Teachers have a duty to foster these skills in students, ensuring the homework tasks address these skills. Teachers also have an obligation to facilitate the acquisition of these skills, enforcing the use of planners such as diaries or timetables. As well as this discourse, social reconstruction is portrayed throughout the homework guidelines. An educational discourse of social reconstruction is apparent in this document.The document states that homework strengthens the partnership between home and school, providing parents with insights as to what is being taught. This encourages cooperation between schoolteachers and parents, especially when resources such as ICTs are not available to the student outside of school. Students are also encouraged to balance homework with family, social, work and extracurricular activities. This promotes collaborative learning and community interaction, which are also categorised under a discourse of social reconstruction.Lastly, the child centred discourse is also contextualised within this document. Homework Guidelines states that homework provides an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. According to this document, homework also challenges gifted students to explore open-ended tasks, deve loping self-learning and independent inquiry. This quasi-acceleration rescues talented students from the boredom of insufficient challenges, helping them to develop better study habits and more realistic self-concept (Kulik & Kulik, 1984, p. 10). This teaching method is based on a child centred discourse. In taking this discourse to its extreme, teachers may set different homework tasks for each student according to their aptitude and future prospects. What it means to be a teacher in the 21st century is still to be determined. However, an answer to this question has been attempted through the use of academic artefacts which summarise policies and procedures at both the school and system level. The Department of Education and Training developed he document, Closing the Gap, which outlines initiatives to narrow the academic gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. As this document focuses on community interaction, injustices, social problems and inequalities, it is based o n a discourse of social reconstruction. This document delves into other discourses however, with the ‘Deadly Maths’ and ‘Parents as First Teachers’ initiatives being founded on a discourse of academic rationalism. The use of NAPLAN for testing students also falls under this category.A discourse of social and economic efficiency is portrayed in the use of SATs and the ‘Flexible Alternative Learning Program’ presents a child centred approach. The homework guidelines at Siena Catholic College are also embedded within the four discourses. Although the testing of students on homework is based on an academic rationalist discourse and may produce negative results, the tacit skills and knowledge gained from independent study can be applicable to many career pathways. The document outlines other positive outcomes of homework, such as parent-teacher interaction, and the challenging of gifted students.These policies and discourses may affect the teacherâ €™s inclusiveness, knowledge of other languages and traditions, knowledge of alternative educational pathways, ability to cater for those with special needs, understanding of resource limitations, fostering of work habits, ability to talk to parents, and development of aptitude based homework. Reference List Au, K 1998, Social constructivism and the school literacy: Learning of students of diverse backgrounds, Vol. 30, no. 2, p. 297, viewed 1 May 2012, Journal of Literacy Research. Bishop, J 1995, Vocational education and at-risk youth in the United States, Vol. 5, no. 19, p. 14, viewed 4 May 2012, Centre for Advanced Human Resource Studies. Goldstein, A 1960, Does homework help? A review of research, Vol. 60, no. 4, p. 222, viewed 1 May 2012, The Elementary School Journal. Kulik, J & Kulik, C 1984, Effects of accelerated instruction on students, Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 410, viewed 4 May 2012, Review of Educational Research. Moran, G 2005, On being deeply conservative, viewed 5 May 2 012, http://old. religiouseducation. net/member/05_rea_papers/moran_2005. pdf. Morris, P 1998, The Hong Kong school curriculum: Development, issues and policies (2nd Edition), p. 2, Hong Kong University Press, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. Orr, A 2003, Black-white differences in achievement: The importance of wealth, Vol. 76, p. 282, viewed 4 May 2012, Sociology of education. Otto, H 1957, Elementary education-Ill: Organization and administration, p. 367, Encyclopaedia of Educational Research, Macmillan, New York. Ross, C & Wu, C 1995, The links between education and health, Vol. 60, no. 5, p. 719, viewed 29 April 2012, American Sociological Review. Smith, E & Wilson, L 2002, Learning and training in school-based new apprenticeships, p. 27, viewed 29 April 2012, National Centre for Vocational Education Research.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Communication Techniques-Sports Commentary Essay

In sports broadcasting, a sports commentator gives a running commentary in real life or real time about a sport. Usually, this is done during a live broadcast on television. The broadcast is normally a voiceover and the main commentator is rarely seen on screen if at all. In American English, other common terms for a sports commentator are announcer and sportscaster. In actuality, a sportscaster may just refer to a newscaster covering the latest news about sports. Types of Sport Broadcasters Play-by-play announcers are the primary speakers, valued for their articulateness and for their ability to describe the events of an often fast-moving contest. Colour commentators, which serve as assistants to the primary speakers are valued for experience and insight into the game, and are often asked questions by the play-by-play announcer to give them a topic for analysis. The latter most often have gained their experience in the sport as a player or coach, while the former is more likely to be a professional broadcast journalist than a participant in the sport. The more common format is to use both types of commentators in order to provide a better-rounded experience for the audience. For example, NBC Sunday Night Football in the United States, which Cris Collinsworth, a former American football receiver, and Al Michaels, a professional announcer announce for. In the United Kingdom however there is a much less distinct division between play-by-play and colour commentary, although two-man commentary teams usually feature an enthusiast with formal journalistic training but little or no competitive experience leading the commentary, and an expert former (or current) competitor following up with analysis or summary. There are, however, exceptions to this. For example, all of the United Kingdom’s major cricket and snooker commentators are former professionals in their sports, while the legendary Formula One racing commentator Murray Walker had no formal journalistic training and only limited racing experience of his own. Another difference between the two types is that colour commentators will usually announce only a sport in which they played or coached, while play-by-play announcers, such as Michaels and David Coleman in the UK, may have careers in which they announce several different sports at one time or another.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Causes of Disequilibrium in the economy

Causes of Disequilibrium in the economy Economists usually define general disequilibrium as the state in which contrasting market forces of supply and demand fail to reach a balance and there exist an intrinsic inclination for change. The main indicator of market disequilibrium is the continuation of shortages either in the demand or supply side of the economy. There are two main models that hold divergent views concerning disequilibrium namely the classical and Keynesian models   [ 1 ]   . Causes of disequilibrium Generally, the major causes for disequilibrium in the markets if the deficiencies created either in the aggregate demand or aggregate supply side of the economy. This means that in such circumstances the market does not clear. Main causes of disequilibrium are understood in the light of the economic model s followed by scholars. For instance, the Keynesian theory’s causes differ from that of classical economists. For instance, following Keynesians’ view, disequilibrium arises when there are di sparities between leakages and injections where as classical economists argue that if such cases arise, price always adjust to bring the economy back to equilibrium.   [ 2 ]    In the above diagram, equilibrium occurs at point P2-Q2 where AD2= AS. At that point, the economy is at full employment. Below this point the economy is in disequilibrium whereby it is operating below full employment. Keynesian theory’s view s about disequilibrium Keynesian theory is the widely used model that explains the general equilibrium using the IS-LM model. Keynesian model construe that markets may not be self-adjusting therefore the markets would not lead to full employment equilibrium if the economy is left to self-regulate. Keynes used the income-expenditure theory to explain the concept of disequilibrium and full employments. He came up with a detailed analysis of the functions of money, functions of interest rates as well as the aspect of relative prices. Keynesian theory postulates th at equilibrium usually occurs below the full employment level. Keynes argued that constant equilibrium cannot prevail due to the existence of involuntary unemployment.   [ 3 ]    In the commodity markets, Keynesians clearly outlines the major disparities that usually reinforce a state of disequilibrium. They compare the aggregate expenditure which includes household consumption, investment function as well as government spending with the effective demand. They postulate that when the economy operates below the intersection of the two, it means there is an imbalance/disequilibrium.   [ 4 ]    Keynesians denied the supply side of the classical economists. Keynes stated that firms should be given the supply schedule so that they can demand smaller amounts than the existing national demand schedule. Keynes explained the causes of disparities in supply and demand separately. According to him, supply creates income. He postulated that what people produce is the one which is bought therefore supply’s value at all times equals the income value. The income is spent by the earners in consumption of more goods. Keynesian economists advocate an increase in government spending when the economy is below full employment in order to stimulate the economy.   [ 5 ]    Classical economists Classical economists holds the notion that markets are self regulatory which is opposite of Keynesian views. They construe that whenever disequilibrium state occurs between the leakages and the injections, prices usually adjusts to re-establish the general equilibrium. They held assumption that there prices are flexible savings are equal to investments as well as embracing the say’s law which states that supply creates its own demand. Explaining the aspect of disequilibrium through say’s law, classical theorists construe that aggregate production in the economy have to create sufficient income that to buy all units of income, failure to which disequilibrium occ ur.   [ 6 ]

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Designing For Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Designing For Usability - Essay Example This report covers a comprehensive assessment of the usability test of the website: This analysis report will offer a deep insight into the application of testing methods, analysis of the factors of usability for testing, assessment of usability issues in website, recommendations for improving the website’s usability and synopsis of usefulness of the method we chose for overall website analysis. This report will be based on the views of three different users. This report will present the website analysis from views of three users JAMES, ALEX and SMITH. In order to get the views of these users a questionnaire will be used. This questionnaire will be attached in Appendix A. ... These questioners are presented in APPENDIX A. Coaching Method This method is extensively used for conducting usability tests. Seeing that, this method involves the users who can inquire about the system-related issues. Thus, in this method system users will work as trainer. In this report we will use this method for assessing for the information requirements of various users in an attempt to offer improved guidance as well as certification, in addition to refurbish the user interface to reduce the need for inquiries. However, it can be done by using questionnaire and distributing it to the website users or analyzers for the enhanced and better assessment of the website (UsabilityHome, 2010) and (Dix et al., 1998). Performance Measurement The next method that we will use will require getting quantitative data regarding test contestants’ execution or performance as those are carried out on the website working all through usability test. However, in order to apply this testing method we will require describing the objectives for the usability testing in scenario of usability features. Moreover, in case of application of such usability testing method we will need to specify the prime usability issues regarding website through dimensions like that users learning time, efficient communications, faults rate, etc (UsabilityHome, 2010) and (Dix et al., 1998). USABILITY TEST FOR THE WEB SITE This section is about the assessment of main parameters of the usability regarding website. Here I will assess some of the main functioning and working aspects of the website through the possible working and operational assessments: (Nielsen, 2005), (Dix et al., 1998) and (Kyrnin, 2011) In this section I will

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Seventh Grade Algebra and Learning through Experience Assignment

Seventh Grade Algebra and Learning through Experience - Assignment Example In addition, it is clear that through teaching with the experience of doing, a student will learn at a higher and more comprehensive rate than just being told the information. Through an examination of the idea of teaching seventh grade students algebra, Piaget’s theories and those of his followers provide some insight into the overall project. Modified Behavior Approach The learning situation that is being discussed is that of the capacity of seventh grade students to be able to solve algebraic equations using different orders of operations. The essential behaviorist approach is that of the constructivist radical approach that would be used during instruction. The development of the skill to solve algebraic equations begins through the basic skills that are taught at younger ages so that by the time they are ready to approach problem solving at the algebraic level they have a background that supports this new step in the process. The modified approach is designed using schema theory through which the learner is given time to apply knowledge that is previous to the instruction to the new mathematical problems. In addition to the schema theory, the use of the information processing theory provides a method of teaching learners through a variety of ways so that the information becomes entrenched into the cognitive processes that the learner is using. Techniques such as the use of acronyms provide a broad number of learning tools to effectively create the necessary knowledge. Using the cognitive approach in order to allow students a variety of ways in which to express what they have learned. Group work provides the structure through which the result of the lessons can be evaluated and expressed by the students. The core of the lessons is approached through the constructivist approach as it allows for students to learn on their own. Martin and Loomis (2007) discuss how the constructivist approach can benefit students. The development of a constructivist appr oach is based upon students using what they know in order to experience the development of answers through the use of tools that facilitate their understanding and growth in a discipline. Teachers are guides rather than didactic reciters of information. Through this basic concept, the development of the teaching method provides students with the opportunity to experience the act of learning. Piaget’s Theory Piaget’s theory defines learning through two individual criteria, that of development and of learning. Development is based upon the mechanisms of action and thinking, while learning is the acquisition of skills. Learning is based on the development of intelligence. Learning can only be accomplished when a child has the pre-requisite skills that are defined by those mechanisms that have come about through development. This provides for a separation of learning and thinking, providing for the opportunity to examine one and the other independently, even as they will a ct in concert. The concept of learning can be seen through the way in which the ‘factor of equilibrium’ is relevant to the overall event of learning. The example presented by Furth and Wachs (1974) provides a method of thinking about what Piaget considered the ‘factor of equilibrium’. If one looks at a plant it needs water, sunlight, and specific elements in order to grow. However, these advantages do not create growth, but the use of them creates the growth by the plant.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Research Paper Example The reason behind this great success is the diversified and extensive platform social media provide to their users. Success does not only refer to good sales or handsome income, but another important factors that incur little or no expense over marketing or other legal formalities. It needs to be noted here that social media are not just limited to social networking sites but are very extensive involving the use of various modern techniques. The most popular and the most intriguing social media forum is Facebook which is a marketing platform and start up point of various small scale businesses. Thus in a nutshell, social media have added greatly to the progress and propagation of small scale businesses. Firstly, social media help a small scale businessman to develop a complete marketing strategy. This is one of the most important steps to propagate the business. The convenient platform of social media provided allows individuals to develop a healthy and cheap marketing strategy. This helps businessmen to outline their ideal customer or, basically, their target market and audience. It determines how and what makes them distinct from others in the same field offering the same services, as well as why one should choose them. This gives the customer a story to relate or a glimpse of the services and facilities that await them. Thus, "Social Media for Marketing is perhaps one of the areas of business where social media may prove to be very useful. It can help your reach more markets, and serve as a guide so that you can target your marketing strategies accordingly." (Juon, Dunrie and Buerkle, 56) Secondly, social media aid in developing public relations, as they are quite important to develop a small scale business and make it prosper. Building up on public relations and customer support by using social media is very common these days. This does not only involves queries, orders or details etc. but also helps individuals to evaluate the response and popularity of th e object. The conversations or blogging done on these platforms allow people to understand the product better; if there are any critiques or negative feedback, that can also restrict the customer from doing business. These trends have also evolved the concept of customer services in recent times. Hence, if a social media is used to make good public relations with healthy sales and positive feedback, then that can propagate the business more. "A strong public relations foundation, using feedback from publics, and enhancing the sense of community can make a good digital media plan a great one." (Stoldt, Dittmore and Branvold, 88) It has been observed that through social media, one can engage the customers. "Such a raft of activity surrounding social media it is no wonder that business is beginning to recognize the need to engage social media and overcome any associated fears in adopting this technology to communicate with potential clients." (Davies, 175) Through various promotional s trategies that are being used these days like competitions and sharing of the page etc. has caused great success to businesses. Today, page owners or, in other words, entrepreneurs offer certain incentives which encourage users or customers to promote the business. These incentives might

Rationale For Performance Based Assessment Essay

Rationale For Performance Based Assessment - Essay Example I believe that the role a teacher plays can shape the students’ lives. Hence, a teacher’s role is of foremost importance. To advance teaching skills, teachers must continually keep track of the recent researches and pedagogies and should use them in helping the English language learners improve on their English skills. It is also very important that the assessments taken by ELLS are fair by all means. A fair assessment is a necessary step in the progress of ELLs. I am responsible for teaching basic level English listening / speaking skills to my students who mainly speak Arab. A proper performance based assessment should be preceded by a proper imparting of learning to the ELLs. Hence, firstly, I would be highlighting the appropriate strategies that are used across the world for teaching the English language learner population. The advancement in technology has proved to be a great help in imparting learning to the ELL population since it has led to an increase in the m odes of teaching. Some effective strategies to impart effective learning to the ELL students are described below (Richard J. Stiggins, 2004): †¢Ã‚  Use of non-lingual representation†¢Ã‚  The students should be helped in recognizing the varied patterns†¢Ã‚  Different activities should be organized wherein the English language learners are given a chance to express compound ideas. †¢Ã‚  Another approach is to relate the learning to the students’ culture in some way. Arab music and pictures can be used as digital media for imparting learning to students.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Religion and Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Religion and Science - Essay Example There are have arisen conflicts between the two with one looking at the other to be in the wrong side of belief. To this extent, science identifies itself as the fundamental principle of life while religion also considers the fact of being the fundamental principle of life, which follows by the criticisms of each other that have seen a brewing conflict ensue. In his principles, he also sees science and religion as two worlds that run apart. It is evident by the dominant spheres, which each aims at dominating. Science aims for the physical world while religion aims at the spiritual life. There are issues believed in that science, religion can dialogue and reach a consensus, and discuss at their general points the boundaries established in each. These are all due to their independence and unending conflicts. Explaining the debate on the origin of the earth where science believes to some extent that it might originate as God’s creation while religion supports the origin of it from God. The creations in the world are what create the difference and lead to conflicting. The integration aspect expects that science and religion can reach a general point since they depend on each other. The two aspects of dialogue and integration reflect more on the relationship that science shares with religion. That science provides data and other aspects of helping religion enrich its target population and religion too helps science control conditions and creates a basis for reference. Religion and science are dominantly different and though there are conditions that are putting them together; they have not yet succeeded in exploring the differences between the two. In the past, natural sciences vastly invested into religious meanings that led to many antireligious results that held no religious significance. A difference has existed that has held over time. This difference has seen a shift in boundaries with time. A nineteenth century

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Population Environment Resource 3 - need in 12 hours Essay

Population Environment Resource 3 - need in 12 hours - Essay Example But the biggest benefit in conservation of energy in a personal level is the personal savings that one can have. For example, instead of spending money on gas for your car, you can save money for a family vacation. Most countries, like Germany and the United States, has experienced an energy crisis (Nolan, p.98). Because of this, the cost of energy began to increase because of the monopoly of this trade. With that, it is evident that energy becomes a controversial issue since the entire nation is using it for whatever purpose it may serve them, like in industrialization or just simply a family’s everyday living, like cooking or watching TV. Aside from the increasing price of fuel and energy because of high consumption, it also impacts the environment in such a way that it pollutes the environment. Energy used proved to produce high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases that is detrimental for human health (Davies and Mazurek, p.237). With this, it can be concluded that high energy consumption coupled with its effects on the national economy and the environment jeopardizes the national security. The government has been developing projects for energy efficiency through the use of alternative energy resources. One form of energy saving program that the government is pushing is the use of solar energy. Since it is an unlimited resource, even if there is a high energy consumption based on the solar power, it will not affect the limited natural resources that we have (Peddle, p.18). Also, it will increase the savings that the nation will have since the individuals are not purchasing and ordering fuel and gas, which costs a considerable amount of money. Aside from controlling the use fuel through by improving fuel efficiency in cars, it is also important that the government look into the energy consumption of each individual. Even if each person uses a fuel-efficient vehicle, if they have a high consumption of gas,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Explain The Relationship Between Money Supply And Inflation Essay

Explain The Relationship Between Money Supply And Inflation - Essay Example When money increases in quantity, the demand for it devalues consequentially. â€Å"According to Austrian Economics an increase in the money supply should result in inflation as the value of each old dollar is "diluted" by the printing of new dollars† (McMohan, 2009). Different theories of economy offer different explanation for the influence of money supply on inflation. According to the theory of quantity of money, which is often referred to as monetarism, relationship between the two terms is interpreted as MV = PT, where M = money supply, V = Money Velocity, P = Price Level, and T = Transactions (Ellis, 2011). Other terms being constant, price level is controlled by the money supply. As the velocity of money and the transactions generally remain constant, this essentially means that increase in the supply of money directly increases the price. Likewise, decrease in money supply decreases inflation. On the other hand, the Keynesian theory suggests the existence of several o ther factors that can influence inflation and price level, in addition to the supply of money. â€Å"Generally, the Keynesian theory stresses the relationship between total or aggregate demand and inflationary changes† (Ellis, 2011). Money supply is often varied to control the inflation. When the government intends to lower the inflation in a certain region, central banks stop lending the money frequently and raise the rate of interest. As a result of this, inflation drops. However, when it goes below the intended level, the lending patterns are loosed so that the economy may be stimulated. In other cases, when release of money becomes unreserved, it results into the situation of hyperinflation. When a bank issues loan, it adds to the amount of money in circulation, without a net increase in the wealth (Anon., n.d.). Economists mutually consent that an increase of inflation above 50 per cent per month is the symbol of inflation. The inflation typically increases when the incr ease of money supply is not accompanied with an equivalent increase in the production of goods. In a vast majority of cases, the federal banking system is used to impose limits of the trends of lending and setting interest rates. If more money is supplied at equilibrium, it makes the interest rate ti go down because the supply of money far exceeds the demand (Hornle, 2007). In order to keep that from happening, the federal banking system decides the limits making use of the economic data. Sometimes, it becomes hard to estimate the money supply, particularly when the trends changes constantly. The supply of money may increase frequently as a result of change in the patterns of storage of money on the part of people. The following chart displays the supply of money from 1985 to 2008. The per cent change in money supply of one year has also been shown: Supply of money vs inflation (McMohan, 2009). M1 is generally considered as the most accurate measure of supply of money in that M1 mea sures money in just its most liquid states. M1 is just limited to the currency that is in the public’s occupancy in various forms which include but are not limited travelers’ checks, and checks for money deposits. Sometimes, increase in the supply of money may not cause the inflation to increase. Certain factors play a role in it that include but are not limited to the speed of circulation of money, increase in the capacity of productivity and the state of economy. Increase in real output is one

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Liver Transplant Essay Example for Free

Liver Transplant Essay Organ transplants are some of the hardest surgeries that doctors can do. They require many trained personnel, time, and complicated procedures. Liver transplants are among the most difficult organ transplants that can be done. There are also many risks involved with the surgery and patients must face all of them in order to come out with a new and working liver. According to the American Liver Foundation patients that undergo a liver transplant have a 75% chance of survival after five years. In other words, one in four patients will die in five years due to their new liver. Even for organ transplants, that is a very low chance of survival. Organ transplants tend to be very complex in nature. Since livers have so many functions they are among the hardest to transplant safely. The surgeon must first make a cut in the upper abdomen. Then they must remove the old liver by cutting it off from the blood vessels and bile ducts. The surgeon must then place the new liver into the patient’s body and connect it to the old blood vessels and bile ducts. Most operations usually take around 12 hours and since there is so much blood lost new blood must be continually added through a transfusion for the whole of the operation. There are many problems with this surgery and the first one is the act of moving the donated liver to the patient that will receive it. The liver can only stay functioning for a short period of time outside of the body. That means that as soon as a liver is taken from a donor it must be immediately transported to the recipient. This requires that many people work together as one to set up an appointment for the patient and the donor, to remove the liver from the donor, ship the donor’s liver to the recipient, put the liver into the recipient, close them up, and manage the finances of the whole operation. All of this requiring much time, effort, and money. There is yet an even larger risk that the new liver might be seen as an invader of the body by the immune system. This would mean that the body would start to break apart the new liver and attack it with cells that were made to fight off disease. The immune system would essentially be fighting off the thing trying to help it. Unfortunately all transplant patients also become dependent on immunosuppressive drugs that keeps the immune system from attacking the liver. While these drug may be helpful they also keep patients from fighting off infections, so all patients have a harder time fighting off disease. The patients must also use these drugs for as long as they live, adding up to thousands of dollars over the patient’s life. Luckily there are many new procedures that will make the chance of survival even higher. For instance, doctors can now take a small piece of a living donor’s liver and graft it onto the recipient’s liver. This can be done since the body only needs a small part of the a liver to carry out its normal functions, things like transporting the bile from the gallbladder to the intestines and detoxifying the blood. The procedure usually has to be done with donors and patients that have the same blood type and other major body factors. This means that a surgery is usually done with members of the same family. Another great thing for liver transplant patients is a new liquid that organs can be placed in for transportation. It keeps the organ as fresh as if it were inside the body. This allows the organ to be moved much farther than it would have otherwise. Instead of it being moved just 30 minutes away it can be moved across the country. But even this is not perfect, even in this liquid organs can still break down and fail to work inside of the new body. In the end, the benefits of liver transplantations far outweigh the risks for only one reason. Every patient will die if they do not receive a new liver.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Romantic poem Essay Example for Free

Romantic poem Essay The famous poet John Keats wrote The Eve of St Agnes in 1819. Keats was born in 1795 in London, but contracted tuberculosis in his early years and died at the young age of twenty-six. Keats was the youngest of the Great Romantics. The Romantics were a group of poets who rebelled against the change in social, moral, political and religious aspects of life in their time. They used the beauty of nature and imagination of the time to help create their poetry. The title of Keats poem The Eve of St Agnes tells the reader what the poem is about. St Agnes was a nun, who wanted to protect her virginity and refused to be married. She was beheaded on the first 21st of January. Traditionally if a young girl went to bed, clothes less, without eating and only looking forward and upward on St Agnes Eve she would see the man she was to marry in her dream. This suspicion is what Keats has based his narrative romantic poem on. His poem is the story of a young girl who believes in the Eve of St Agnes suspicion and dreams of her love. However a young Knight comes to see her while she sleeping. The girl wakes up, they fall in love, consummate, and in the morning leave. Keats has used the Romantic theme of Williams Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet in his poem. There is a feud between the young girls family and the Knights family. Just as in Romeo and Juliet. The introduction to Keatss poem sets the scene. St Agnes Eve, Ah bitter chill it was! The owl for all his feathers was a cold. Keats describes how cold it its outside on the winter night, and uses the animals to emphasise the freezing weather. The owl is supposed to survive the winter yet it is cold. The hare limpd trembling through the frozen grass. Again the use of the hare emphasises the bitter winter outside, so cold, the hare limps. Keats then continues his description of the setting and atmosphere by describing the inside. Where a Beadsman is praying in a small chapel. The emphasis on the bleak night is continued. Numb were the Beadsman fingers and his frosted breath show that the inside is almost frozen reinforcing the winter time at which this poem is set. Keats develops the introduction by describing the Beadsman and his actions. Then takes his lamp, and riseth from his knees, And back, returneth, meagre, barefoot and wan, The Beadsman is poor; he has no shoes, and he is thin, ill and old. Already has the his death bell rung. Throughout Keats poem certain words are slightly changed to make the poem sound medieval. Riseth, and Sayeth give and archaic impression. Keats develops his story by describing the castle and the events taking place inside. He creates a word picture describing the entire guests beautifully dressed, With plume, tiara, and all rich array. This sets the scene of the ball. Furthermore Keats sets a happy scene, with triumphs gay. This shows laughter and people enjoying themselves.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Video Game Causes Behavioral Problems Psychology Essay

Video Game Causes Behavioral Problems Psychology Essay Firstly, one of the major concerns of video games is that they increase the nature of violence among the youth. The Harvard medical school or the Journal of adolescent health, as well as the British medical journal have concluded that there is a huge link between video game and violence. Researchers have found out that there is a certain pattern between video game and the behavioral problems associated with the video games, and Television shows. Scholars and researchers have said over and over again that Video games make kids more violent each time they play the game. A research was done which was brain scanning of children who played violent games like Call of duty the study showed that the answer was yes. Video games do make kids more violent. Researchers at the University of Indiana said that brain scans of kids who played a violent video game in comparison to kids who played no games showed a negative increase in the emotion of those children who played the game. According to aut hor Vince Mathews, parents should look more closely at the types of games their children are playing. He said I think parents should be aware of the relationship between violent video-game playing and brain function. Video games cause addiction which leads to children spending considerable time playing games resulting in neglect of more important activities. Perhaps excess of anything is bad and video games are no exception. In his article Video Games Addiction, Media literacy specialist, Dr. Charles Ungerleider states that if a youngster becomes addicted to video games it can be a problem. He explains that wanting to improve their gaming skills is not a problem in itself, but it becomes a problem if video games are taking a youngster away too much from other activities. Then the parent has to intervene and limit the amount of time the youngster spends with the video game. According to Mary Schlimme in a 2002 article titled: Do We Need a Video Gamers Anonymous? Video game addicts are often described by clinicians in the field as displaying many symptoms characteristic of other addictions. According to her article, Addiction includes such behavior as failure to stop playing games, difficulties in work or school, telling lies to loved ones, decreased attention to personal hygiene, decreased attention to family and friends, and disturbances in the sleep cycle. Schlimme quotes Dr Orzack that many game addicts have struggled with finding their place in society and as a result play video games in order to become part of a crowd. This in turn influences the game players to show off their achievements in front of their associate group. Excessive video game playing may not only cause behavioral and social changes in a person, but it may also result in neurological changes. Fourth paragraph third argument Even if video games and videos do not directly create killers and murderers out of the young people they may tend to contribute towards insensitivity and indifference towards violence. This is worrying because it may change the profile of the society in the longer run. In an article published in the Time Magazine on 10th May 1999 author and editors Joshua Quittner, Maryanne Buechner and Jay Ehrlich say The question isnt whether games make children kill, because it isnt that simple. The concerns are subtler yet no less worrisome. Do graphically violent games desensitize children to violence? Do such games teach kids to take pleasure in the suffering and death of others? Nicholas Carnagey, an Iowa State psychology instructor and research assistant, and ISU Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson and Brad Bushman wrote published an article The Effects of Video Game Violence on Physiological Desensitization to Real-Life Violence in the Journal of Experimental Social Psycholo gy. In this paper, the authors define desensitization to violence as a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence. Their latest study tested 257 college students (124 men and 133 women) individually. The results demonstrate that playing violent video games, even for just 20 minutes, can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence. According to the article It appears that individuals who play violent video games habituate or get used to all the violence and eventually become physiologically numb to it. Fifth paragraph Transition Paragraph Supporter of the video games do not seem to take the issues seriously. Despite this overwhelming evidence that video game causes violence and behavior problems in many developing children and in adolescents there are supportes who believe that there are advantages to video games in todays society. Key finding states in a research titled Internet Fantasy Violence: A Test of Aggression in an Online Games carried out in 2005 by Williams, D. Skoric, M states there was no effect on levels of aggressiveness or in belief and behaviors of the gamers who were engaged in a violent massive multiplayer online role-playing game. Cheryl K. Olson, professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical Schools Center for Mental Health and Media, in her 2004 article in the journal Academic Psychiatry Media Violence Research and Youth Violence Data: Why Do TheyConflict? examines statements about the relation between violent video games and real-life violence. First, Dr. Olson notes that there is no evidence that targeted violence has increased in Americas schools. While such attacks have occurred in the past, they were and are extremely rare events. She goes on to write that, Theres no indication that violence rose in lockstep with the spread of violent games. In a 2002 presentation that updated their earlier comprehensive review of the literature on games and violence, Dr. Van Eeenwyk from the Washington State Department of Health presented information indicating that after controlling for psychosocial factors, association between aggression and playing video games was not statistically significant. This review was based on available objective research and was conducted by the State of Washington at the request of the state legislature. MIT professor Hennery Jenkins points out, 90 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls play video games. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do NOT commit antisocial acts. And, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the strongest risk factor for school shootings centere d on mental stability and quality of home life, not media exposure. Supporters of video games say that Professor Jenkins is trying to say is its not the video games that cause the violence, its completely different factors. Critics claim that video games are addictive has also been refuted by some supporters of the video games. In a response to a proposal in 2007 to designate video game addiction as a mental disorder akin to alcoholism, doctors and supporters of video games opposed the proposal. There is nothing here to suggest that this is a complex physiological disease state akin to alcoholism or other substance abuse disorders, and it doesnt get to have the word addiction attached to it, said Dr. Stuart Gitlow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York. The supporters of video games rgue that video game, computer and television provide education to children, that it provides help with their studies as well as educational institutio ns are using video games as one of the material for teaching. According to child experts and psychologists Video games give the childrens brain a real workout.   In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking.   These skills are not even taught at school.   Some of the mental skills trained by video games include: Following instructions  and Hand-eye coordination Research also suggests that people can learn i visual attention skills from video games.   There have been even studies with adults showing that experience with video games is related to better surgical skills. Some supporters of video games say that video games teach children to plan and build their strategic thinking. children learn while playing video games. Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good For You: How Todays Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, calls this telescoping. Gamers must deal with immediate problems while keeping their long-term goal s on their horizon. Sixth paragraph Refutation of opponents counter- argument While there are researchers and supporters who claim that the video games do not have an effect on the increase in aggression and violence in the behavior of the gamers, yet those researches and studies are not based on modern scientific lines. Those studies are not as comprehensive and as scientific as those carried out by Craig Anderson, David Grossman or others. The supporters studies are generalized and are based more on hypothetical basis rather than actual scientific methodology. As proved by the various researches quoted above, their findings are flawed. Seventh paragraph Refutation of opponents counter- argument Supporters of the video games say that video games are healthy and educational. They claim Video games give the childrens brain a real workout.   In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking. However, the fact is that addiction to video games causes not only health and other problems, including social ones, but also results in poor school results and grades, lack of concentration to academics and class activities. The critics have always disputed this claim about video games contributing to health and education. Dr. Louis Kraus of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and a psychiatrist at Rush University Medical Center, has stated The more time kids spend on video games, the less time they will have socializing, the less time they will have with their families, the less time they will have exercising. They can make up academic deficits, but they cant make up the social ones, he said. Researcher Douglas Gentile, from Iow a State University, found that 8.5 percent of 1,178 youths studied are addicted to video games, using the same standards for addiction used for pathological gamblers. As a result of this, one in ten youths, may be suffering from family, social, school or psychological damage. In the case of video game addiction, the youth studied were found to have attention deficits in school, resulting in lower grades and even health problems. Video game addiction may be a sign of an underlying problem, such as depression. says Doug Gentiles report. Final paragraph Conclusion. Based on the above research it is clearly evident that violent video games contribute to the aggressive and violent behavior and addiction to video games. However, considering some of the advantages of the video games, their use must not be prohibited. Parents and guardians should do the following to reduce the effect of violence. Monitor video game play the same way one needs to monitor television and other media. Parents are responsible to be kind, loving but at the same time attentive and firm to properly discipline their wards. An aggressive child is more a product of dysfunctional parenting than anything else, including violent games and TV.   To avoid possibilities of addiction, parents should attempt to provide a variety of entertainment to their children. It would be a good idea to make sure that children read quality books, involve themselves in sports and interact with other children and their friends.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chemical And Biological Weapons Essay -- essays research papers

Chemical and Biological Weapons Chemical and biological weapons are the most dangerous threats that our soldiers face today. But just how much do most of us know about them? The American public had been bombarded by stories of how our government keeps secret weapons, does secret experiments, and the everlasting conspiracies. And many accept it all. Rather than simply trusting our government, (which is perhaps as foolish as believing several unsubstansiated theroies), I’ve compiled several simple facts regarding recent and historic developments in chemical and biological warfare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chemical weapons are defined as chemical substances of gas, liquid, or solid which are used because of a directly toxic effect upon humans, animals, or plants. Biological weapons are living organisms, whatever their nature, or the materials that are created because of their use. Biological weapons can cause disease or death in living organisms, and are depended upon for their further ability to multiply inside the organism that it attacks. Even though the two weapons are closely related, chemical weapons are used far more commonly because they are inexpensive to make and use. Chemical weapons are more dangerous to America because of the conflicts we have involved ourselves in. Iraq for example, has a long and extensive history of using chemical weapons. In the 1980’s, Iraq released poisonous gases against Iranian troops. Iraq has even used chemical weapons against it’s own Kurdish citizens to subdue rebellions. As one of the aftermaths of the Persian Gulf War, however, Iraq agreed to giveup all materials and equipment for making chemical and biological weapons. An organization called UNSCOM or United Nations Special Commissions on Iraq was formed to ensure that Iraq followed through upon it’s promises. However, when Lt. Hussein, Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law and director of Iraq’s weapons program, defected, it was found that Iraq had been dishonest in it’s reports to UNSCOM. for four years. Today, everyone has heard even a passing reference to Gulf-War Syndrome. In 1994, a Congressional report examined eyewitness accounts and declassified operation logs. They concluded that United States troops were exposed eleven times to chemical and biological weapons. Yet, two other reports concluded the opposite. The DSB and IOM reports found that there was no reli... ...l weapons are not used exclusively for it’s harmful effects against humans. During the Vietnam War, Agent Orange was used by the Americans to destroy the rainforest, to make sure that enemy troops would be unable to hide in the dense plant growth. Chemical and biological weapons have been the subject of international debate for over 70 years, and I believe for good reason. Of course, the government should, and does, participate in the conventions and foreign event that have relation to these weapons. As citizens, we should be concerned because chemical weapons are so easily accessible to terrorists, and one result of living in such a powerful country, is being a prime target for terrorist. Mustard gas, for example, is made with two very commonly used chemical compounds, which are thiodiglycol and hydrochloric acid. Thiodiglycol is used in textile dyes, and almost all pens. Hydrochloric acid is often used here at school in experiments. While it would be impossible to completely stop the use of chemical and biological weapons everywhere, America can use it’s position as a world leader to influence other countries by showing an example of peace and strong defense, instead of offense. Chemical And Biological Weapons Essay -- essays research papers Chemical and Biological Weapons Chemical and biological weapons are the most dangerous threats that our soldiers face today. But just how much do most of us know about them? The American public had been bombarded by stories of how our government keeps secret weapons, does secret experiments, and the everlasting conspiracies. And many accept it all. Rather than simply trusting our government, (which is perhaps as foolish as believing several unsubstansiated theroies), I’ve compiled several simple facts regarding recent and historic developments in chemical and biological warfare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chemical weapons are defined as chemical substances of gas, liquid, or solid which are used because of a directly toxic effect upon humans, animals, or plants. Biological weapons are living organisms, whatever their nature, or the materials that are created because of their use. Biological weapons can cause disease or death in living organisms, and are depended upon for their further ability to multiply inside the organism that it attacks. Even though the two weapons are closely related, chemical weapons are used far more commonly because they are inexpensive to make and use. Chemical weapons are more dangerous to America because of the conflicts we have involved ourselves in. Iraq for example, has a long and extensive history of using chemical weapons. In the 1980’s, Iraq released poisonous gases against Iranian troops. Iraq has even used chemical weapons against it’s own Kurdish citizens to subdue rebellions. As one of the aftermaths of the Persian Gulf War, however, Iraq agreed to giveup all materials and equipment for making chemical and biological weapons. An organization called UNSCOM or United Nations Special Commissions on Iraq was formed to ensure that Iraq followed through upon it’s promises. However, when Lt. Hussein, Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law and director of Iraq’s weapons program, defected, it was found that Iraq had been dishonest in it’s reports to UNSCOM. for four years. Today, everyone has heard even a passing reference to Gulf-War Syndrome. In 1994, a Congressional report examined eyewitness accounts and declassified operation logs. They concluded that United States troops were exposed eleven times to chemical and biological weapons. Yet, two other reports concluded the opposite. The DSB and IOM reports found that there was no reli... ...l weapons are not used exclusively for it’s harmful effects against humans. During the Vietnam War, Agent Orange was used by the Americans to destroy the rainforest, to make sure that enemy troops would be unable to hide in the dense plant growth. Chemical and biological weapons have been the subject of international debate for over 70 years, and I believe for good reason. Of course, the government should, and does, participate in the conventions and foreign event that have relation to these weapons. As citizens, we should be concerned because chemical weapons are so easily accessible to terrorists, and one result of living in such a powerful country, is being a prime target for terrorist. Mustard gas, for example, is made with two very commonly used chemical compounds, which are thiodiglycol and hydrochloric acid. Thiodiglycol is used in textile dyes, and almost all pens. Hydrochloric acid is often used here at school in experiments. While it would be impossible to completely stop the use of chemical and biological weapons everywhere, America can use it’s position as a world leader to influence other countries by showing an example of peace and strong defense, instead of offense.

The Conflict of Paideias in Gadamers Thought :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

The Conflict of Paideias in Gadamer's Thought (1) ABSTRACT: Although Gadamer's study of Greek paideia has been virtually ignored in the scholarly literature, I argue that it is central to his philosophy of education. Gadamer singles out three kinds of paideia: traditional, sophistic and philosophic. Traditional paideia, grounded in an unaware habit or disposition of the soul, was vulnerable when sophistic paideia brought reasoned argument against it. This 'new' paideia originally supported traditional notions of the just and the good with its conscious art of argumentation and pragmatic enhancement of success. But this paideia also undermined conventional morality by arguing that it is only convention, thereby corrupting the youth of Athens by appealing to the untrammeled desire for power. Philosophical paideia takes its bearings from the sophistic as its deepest opponent and counterimage. It turns out, however, that the two are virtually indistinguishable. Both bring thinking to consciousness; both are rhetorical arts; both create confusion; and both are subject to the 'weakness of the logoi.' In the end, the difference between them rests not on distinctions of reason, but the intent of the reasoner. This conflict of paideias is relevant to the situation of education today. Problems of narrow technical perspective and the broadest ideological manipulation are directly traceable to sophistic paideia. Thus, Gadamer points to hermeneutical praxis as 'the heart of all education that wants to teach how to philosophize.' Hans-Georg Gadamer describes the traditional ideal of Greek education as turning the student toward everything exempt from necessity comprising the beautiful. (2) This paideia consisted above all in developing a harmonious disposition of the soul, a hexis or "habit," through early training in music and gymnastic. (3) Its guiding purpose was to create citizens fit to govern in freedom. Clearly the importance of paideia as an educational concept can hardly be over-emphasized. Gadamer is an increasingly influential figure in the philosophy of education. He is also one of the eminent classicists of our times. Yet although paideia and its relevance to contemporary education forms a recurring theme in Gadamer's writings, this historical dimension of his approach to education has been virtually ignored in the scholarly literature. (4) One may speculate that the reason for this lacuna is a tendency to approach the subject more analytically than historically. Moreover, the theme appears in so many essays, spanning Gadamer's entire career, that it is difficult to follow the trail of his study. The Conflict of Paideias in Gadamer's Thought :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers The Conflict of Paideias in Gadamer's Thought (1) ABSTRACT: Although Gadamer's study of Greek paideia has been virtually ignored in the scholarly literature, I argue that it is central to his philosophy of education. Gadamer singles out three kinds of paideia: traditional, sophistic and philosophic. Traditional paideia, grounded in an unaware habit or disposition of the soul, was vulnerable when sophistic paideia brought reasoned argument against it. This 'new' paideia originally supported traditional notions of the just and the good with its conscious art of argumentation and pragmatic enhancement of success. But this paideia also undermined conventional morality by arguing that it is only convention, thereby corrupting the youth of Athens by appealing to the untrammeled desire for power. Philosophical paideia takes its bearings from the sophistic as its deepest opponent and counterimage. It turns out, however, that the two are virtually indistinguishable. Both bring thinking to consciousness; both are rhetorical arts; both create confusion; and both are subject to the 'weakness of the logoi.' In the end, the difference between them rests not on distinctions of reason, but the intent of the reasoner. This conflict of paideias is relevant to the situation of education today. Problems of narrow technical perspective and the broadest ideological manipulation are directly traceable to sophistic paideia. Thus, Gadamer points to hermeneutical praxis as 'the heart of all education that wants to teach how to philosophize.' Hans-Georg Gadamer describes the traditional ideal of Greek education as turning the student toward everything exempt from necessity comprising the beautiful. (2) This paideia consisted above all in developing a harmonious disposition of the soul, a hexis or "habit," through early training in music and gymnastic. (3) Its guiding purpose was to create citizens fit to govern in freedom. Clearly the importance of paideia as an educational concept can hardly be over-emphasized. Gadamer is an increasingly influential figure in the philosophy of education. He is also one of the eminent classicists of our times. Yet although paideia and its relevance to contemporary education forms a recurring theme in Gadamer's writings, this historical dimension of his approach to education has been virtually ignored in the scholarly literature. (4) One may speculate that the reason for this lacuna is a tendency to approach the subject more analytically than historically. Moreover, the theme appears in so many essays, spanning Gadamer's entire career, that it is difficult to follow the trail of his study.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Book Report :: essays research papers

THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN AUTHOR’S SKETCH Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. When Samuel Clemens was four years old, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where he spent his childhood. Clemens first approach to literature was through typesetting for a newspaper in 1851. At the time Orion, his brother, was a newspaper publisher in Hannibal. From 1857 until 1861, he served as the pilot of a riverboat on the Mississippi River. He later used this experience in creating his novels. His first writings appeared in a newspaper on February 2, 1863 under the pen name “Mark Twain.'; Clemens fell in love with Olivia Langdon and married her in 1870 after a long courtship. The Clemens’ family lived in Hartford, Connecticut from 1871 until 1891, the period of his best writing. In 1872, he published his first book, Roughing It. He published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, considered his masterpiece of writing, was published in 1885. He received many honors and a great deal of recognition for his writings. Clemens died of Angina on April 21, 1910. MAIN CHARACTERS Huck Finn - the central character of the novel and the son of the town drunk. Jim - Miss Watson’s runaway slave whom Huck helps to gain his freedom. Pap - Huck’s father who comes back to town when he learns about the reward. Tom Sawyer – Huck’s friend who is about his same age. ELEMENTS OF PLOT (1) Setting The setting of Huckleberry Finn was in mid Eighteenth Century America. The first few chapters were set in St. Petersburg, Missouri. The town was patterned after Hannibal, Missouri, where Clemens spent his childhood. It is located on the Mississippi River about 80 miles from St. Louis, Missouri. Most of the novel’s setting is on the Mississippi River south of St. Petersburg. (2) Beginning Situation Huck Finn, a boy of about 12 years, was the son of the town drunk. Widow Douglas adopted him so that she could civilize him and raise him to be a gentleman. Huck did not like going to school, attending church or dressing up. Tom Sawyer, Ben Rogers, and Joe Harper were his friends at the local school. Huck and Tom found a treasure hidden by bank robbers and were allowed to keep six thousand dollars each, for themselves, as a reward. Huck’s father heard about his son’s treasure and returned to St.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Company †BlackBerry mobiles Essay

BCG matrix is a portfolio planning model, which is used to determine position of the product in the product portfolio of the company. Under this model, company divides its business units into four categories on the basis of combinations of market growth and market share comparative to the leading opponent. This model helps the management to analyze the future growth of different business units. We can take the example of BlackBerry mobiles. It is the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company best known to the general public as the developer of the BlackBerry brand of smart phones and tablets. At one point of time, BlackBerry mobiles were considered as best mobiles in the market. They use to give direct competition to the Nokia and apple mobile phones. In 2011, the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles was 14.3%. But, over the last few years, company market share has declined to 0.6%. In BCG Matrix, we can place the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category. We have placed the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category because the market of mobile is increasing with the rate of around 40% but the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles is deceasing every year. Apart from BlackBerry, all other major mobile phone companies such as Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Lenovo are growing with good pace. Actually, unlike other companies, BlackBerry did not focused on innovation. It was the last major mobile manufacturing company, which introduced the smart phone. They do not able to match the expectations and needs of the people, due to which company lost its market share into the hands of other mobile manufacturing companies. References

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effect of Unethical Behavior Article Analysis

The unethical practices & behavior in today’s business accounting often goes unchecked, because the actions directly affect management or executives, since they usually control this accounting hence the results. If someone thinks their job might be in jeopardy they may falsify thinks for these members of management. As it seems obvious, falsifying or altering business documents such as sales receipts, or tampering with reports would be considered unethical practices. According to Anonymous Employee (n. d. , â€Å"Among the most common unethical business behaviors of employees are making long-distance calls on business lines, duplicating software for use at home, falsifying the number of hours worked, or much more serious and illegal practices, such as embezzling money from the business, or falsifying business records. † (para. 1). Among those situational exampleswhich include embezzlement of funds by an accountant from their employers for financial gain also include accountants receiving corporate pressure from their client to report false information and having unrealistic objectives and deadlines. An accountant may decide to work for a company even though a conflict of interest may exist. If the accountant is owed money or has a significant stake in a firm, he or she may not be the ideal individual to prepare certain companies' financial statements. † (Jacobsen, 2008, para. 10). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is legislation enacted for the protection from the unethical behaviors. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act puts rules in place to hold executives accountable for the accuracy of their organization’s financial statements. The rules that are put in place achieve harsher punishments and criminal penalties for non-compliance. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act does its best to ensure financial statements be true and correct. â€Å"Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that publicly traded companies disclose their code of ethics for senior financial officers. The Act was designed to promote honest and ethical conduct; full and accurate disclosure in periodic reports; and compliance with applicable government rules and regulations. † (Jacobsen, 2008, para. 10). Does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act completely guarantee ethically correct financial statements each and every time? References Jacobsen, R. (2008, January). Unethical Behavior In The Workplace. EzineArticles, (), . Retrieved from;id=954264 Anonymous Employee.(n.d.).Unethical behavior in the workplace. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cyber Attacks

The rising threat of terrorism has led to unprecedented levels of security at Indian airports, railway stations, hotels, ports etc. But the government does not seem to see the bigger threat, which will not come from AK-47s, bombs and rifles. The next big attack will be come from terrorists in the cyber world. We live in a technologically interconnected world. Most of us cannot imagine even a single day without our cell phones, internet and ATMs. There is hardly any distinction between where our bodies end and technology begins. Would it be surprising then, if terrorists choose to attack India via the internet? Let me share some facts about how real and damaging that threat can be If a terrorist group were to attack our stock market and financial infrastructure, it would cause widespread panic and losses to millions of people and organizations. Imagine yourself running helplessly from one ATM to another, trying to withdraw money from your account, only to find that the attack has forced banks to suspend online transactions. Likewise, our telecom infrastructure. If it were flooded with malicious data, business and personal life would grind to a standstill. Terrorists could also target India's top businesses, hacking into their systems, stealing valuable intellectual property, sensitive information and company secrets. Even military networks can be targeted. These scenarios are not from a Bollywood flick, but tangible threats that loom large. In May 2007, Estonia — a small but technologically sophisticated Baltic country — fell victim to a cyber attack. The unidentified terrorists bombarded the country's network with data traffic, clogging it and rendering major services unusable. People were not able to access financial utilities, communications and data services for several hours and some, for days together. What stops cyber terrorists from launching similar attacks in India? Very little because, despite being an infotech power, India lags on cyber security. Neither the government, nor the private sector is adequately prepared to face a cyber attack. We have the necessary laws in place, but they are futile in the absence of trained security experts and police officials to enforce them. Recently, I was at a conference in the Capital, attended by numerous Delhi Police officials. During the question-answer session, one police official asked me: â€Å"All this is fine Mr Ankit, but yeh internet ki building kidhar hai? † According to him, the internet was a huge building and, in order to protect it from cyber terrorists, the police had simply to stand all around it, holding rifles and lathis to fight off viruses, worms and criminals! If this is the state of affairs in the police department of the national capital, one can't even begin to imagine the way it is in other cities. The fact that few engineering colleges in India offer courses on cyber security is a major reason for the lack of cyber experts. The result is that when a private company website gets hacked, the incident is brushed under the carpet lest its brand image is tarnished. Worse, it's considered normal for most Indian government websites to get hacked regularly. But the lack of trained professionals and a lax attitude are the least of India's concerns. The internet has no boundaries and allows cyber terrorists to hide behind geographic, political and diplomatic clouds. It is easy for a criminal to hide behind proxy servers and bounce off systems in unfriendly countries to stop security agencies from tracing the culprits. The dynamic nature of cyber security, coupled with the obsolete techniques used by the Indian forces, means it is a losing battle for India. Let's not wait for a cyber 26/11 to happen. A willingness to make changes, a proactive approach with some nimble execution can fix the chinks in India's cyber security and drastically improve our preparedness to fight a cyber war.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age

Running head: The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age 1 The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Tara Brooks Professor Bristow, J. D. Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance, LEG 500 4 May 2012 Abstract How many of us have paused during conversation in the past several years, suddenly aware that you might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place.Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or your church service. You pause suddenly, momentarily afraid that your words might be taken out of context, and then you laugh at your paranoia and go on. But your demeanor has changed, and your words are subtly altered. Privacy is a growing concern in the United States and around the world. As we increasingly use the Internet and the seemingly boundary less options for collecting, saving, sharing, and comparing information trigger consumerâ€℠¢s worries.Online practices of business and government agencies may present new ways to compromise privacy, and e-commerce and technologies that make a wide range of personal information available to anyone with a Web browser only begin to hint at the possibilities for inappropriate or unwarranted intrusion into our personal lives. Privacy is very important-especially on the Internet. It is amazing how many websites are designed to reveal private details about people—actually it is a little scary. In this paper, I will be discussing different topics on the value of digital privacy. Keywords: privacy, personal information, digital privacy . List and describe at least three (3) technologies that allow an individual to research citizens’ private data. The three technologies that allow an individual to research citizens’ private data are Bluetooth, GPS, and Google (Internet). The first technology I will discuss is Bluetooth. Bluetooth has several ways it can be hack ed. Some ways are blue jacking, blue snarfing, and blue bugging. In blue jacking, someone might send unsolicited messages to the victim in the form of a business card or a mobile contact with a text that may look intimidating to read. In many cases, someone may also send sounds like a ring tone.The victim’s mobile could then be infiltrated and he/she might never know what has happened. Blue jacking messages can also be viewed as spam messages with emails. There have also been reports about people getting hacked by Trojan Horses which could mean a serious compromise. Blue snarfing is considered a serious compromise in the category of Bluetooth hacking especially if the information vulnerable, is quite critical, as such attacks can allow someone access to victim’s contact list, text messages, emails and even private photos and videos. In blue bugging, someone uses sophisticated attacks to gain control of victim’s mobile.It works just like Trojan horses, where some one can manipulate the user’s phone the way he/she desires by executing commands on the victim’s phone. The hacker could forward mobile calls from the victim’s mobile to his own device and can even manipulate the mobile to follow a Bluetooth headset instructions like; receive call, send messages etc. (Hubs by Hassam, 2011) The second technology is GPS. A GPS tracking unit enables you to determine the precise location of person, vehicle or other object. GPS (Global Positioning System) is the only functional system, which can record the position of an object at regular intervals.A GPS tracking unit is so helpful that it can store the recorded location data within the tracking unit. Satellite transmits signals that can be intercepted by GPS receivers to find the precise location of any object you are searching for. Aside from making driving easier, the on-board electronics revolution has given some people a new direction in their lives. Unfortunately, it could take them right into your bedroom or living room. These people are GPS thieves. When they steal your device, they sometimes get more than just an electronics item they can sell for $100 or more on the street. They get your home address.With the push of a button, one common navigational feature, the home setting, fully automates the process of directing you to your home — a convenience that burglars and stalkers are sure to appreciate. It's enough to turn your free-floating anxiety about data theft into full-blown paranoia about home invasion. About two years ago, thieves stole a number of Acura cars from a corporation's garage in Atlanta, and, in three cases, they used the GPS units in the cars to find and then burglarize employees' homes. (Gary Thomas, â€Å"Thieves Target GPS Devices to Find Out Where You Live†, December 2009)The final technology is Google. Our class exchanged names with one another. We went to the lab to find information on the person that we were given . It is amazing and scary to see how much information can be discovered from Google. Some information is phone numbers, addresses, and where someone actually lives. I can simply type in the name of the person or business, preferably with quotation marks around the name, and if the phone number has been entered somewhere on the Web, than it will come up in my search results. I can also find all sorts of useful information with Google Maps, simply by typing in an address.In fact, I can use Google Maps to view an entire neighborhood. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public access to this information, both for the researchers and those who are being â€Å"investigated. † One main advantage and disadvantage of blue tooth is that I am in Control: From a researcher’s view, I’m able to exchange data across my cell phone, I’m still have the ability to keep my information private. In order to make a transfer or allow someone to access the files on the phone, I would have to give them access by accepting or rejecting the request through my phone.As someone being investigated, I need to ensure if I have the Bluetooth feature enabled on the phone and not disabled while using it, others that I may not even know request to send me a file. Implementing security, even for these types of device pairings, can prevent an unauthorized user from using the headset. As someone that is â€Å"investigated†, I would definitely want to keep my information such as contacts, addresses and other information private and safe. Some of the advantages of GPS are that it can track lost items and it can track people.As a researcher, I realize that the crime rate keeps on increasing in every part of the world and a lot of highly valuable objects have been, and will, be stolen. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant you think an object or equipment is to others if it is something that is very expensive you should make sure you install a GPS tracking system on it. As a researcher, I can found my item or child quickly. Many phones have GPS capabilities that young children and teens may not know about; this is a great access if a child goes missing.As a person that is â€Å"investigated†, the disadvantage of GPS technology that can save lives can also provide a framework for invasion of privacy. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, locational privacy â€Å"is the ability of an individual to move in public space with the expectation that under normal circumstances their location will not be systematically and secretly recorded for later use. † (Peyton Brookes, Advantages ; Disadvantages of Mobile Tracking, 2012) As a researcher, information is probably the biggest advantage that Internet offers.Internet is a virtual treasure highway of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service on the Internet. The re is a huge amount of information available on the Internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is endless. Also as a researcher, Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services I can now perform all my transactions online.I can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc. , from my computer. Some travel websites even plan an Itinerary as per my preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. As someone that is â€Å"investigated†, if I use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, I may risk a theft to my personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Evil people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting software and then use my personal details for their benefit. Needless to say, this ma y land me in serious trouble.Google stores enormous amounts of data to power its Web search and advertising engines, and many privacy advocates have repeatedly raised concerns over the amount of personal information Google has the ability to access. 3. Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed. Some measures that citizens can take to protect private information are use different passwords for every account. It is easy to use the same password for each account that you have, but it is not safe or wise. Hackers have tools specifically designed to crack into accounts.A strong password contains letters, numbers, different cases, and symbols. Another way, if you have old online accounts that are not being used, closes them. Hackers could use them to infiltrate your more important accounts. Get rid of them. If you can't remember where you have old accounts search your email inbox with queries like â€Å"regist ered†, â€Å"confirm† or â€Å"your account† to find email records of old accounts. Another measure to do is go paperless. Bank and credit card statements can contain social security or account information. Check with these agencies to see if you can go paperless, and use a secure online portal for your transactions. . Discuss a federal law that grants the federal government the legal right to make private information on U. S. citizens available to the public, and whether or not you agree with this law. to fire for any reasons that are not unlawful, such as discrimination, etc. Since she did not obey company policies, she will be terminated. Human Resources will inform her if she will be receiving benefits or compensation from the company. 5. Determine whether there are â€Å"electronic privacy laws† that can prevent others from having access to â€Å"private information† as well as how effective they are. . . FEATURES- Internet – DNS Securit y 610 -8References Halbert, T. , & Ingulli, E. (2012). Law & ethics in the business environment (7th ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning http://autos. aol. com/article/gps-thief-home-invasion/ http://www. ehow. com/list_6068148_bluetooth-advantages-disadvantages. html#ixzz1u3e6jVDc http://hassam. hubpages. com/hub/Types-Of-Bluetooth-Hacks-And-Its-Security-Issues http://techgyo. com/index. php/3-major-advantages-gps-tracking-system/#ixzz1u44hGdujsOME

Use the sources below to extend the paper to a 4-pages research(MLA Essay

Use the sources below to extend the paper to a 4-pages research(MLA Style) - Essay Example At Southern most labors the slaves were freed, the following new issues were different with the antebellum U.S. As the winner, the changes between the Northern which promoted the industrial capitalism and the freed slavery south was embedded after the Civil War was ended. The most popular questions were: would the Black people go or stay? Where should the 4 million go or stay? Under the wave of abolishing the slavery, the capitalism creates a special group: The Sharecropper. What influence did sharecropping have, and was it good or bad for the black people? Who started sharecropping? Was the situation the same as the president Lincoln had suggested? What influenced the U.S. and what was different between sharecropping and slavery? My opinion on this is that sharecropping did not change the black people’s situation and it did not lead the African Americans to an economic independence and autonomy fundamentally â€Å"All facts suggest that black sharecropper’s income was less than white sharecropper’s income. This is not astonishing given the history of slavery, which was bestowed to the blacks† (Federico 261). So, what is sharecropping? Sharecropping is a way of agriculture in which a landowner allows their tenant to utilize their land in return for a split of the crops produced on the land. The tenant signs a contract for such arrangements. Somehow this seemed like freedom for the blacks, but it was not. â€Å"Sharecroppers compensated their lease to the landlord as portions of their crop yield; this gave room for exploitation by the landlords† (Roumasset and James 640). Sharecropping, along with tenant farming, was a dominant form in the cotton and especially in the South from the period between 1870s to the 1950s, among both whites and blacks, but it is largely disappearing since 1966 when Civil Rights and the Workers Union abolished Peonage (Forced Labor). The word,

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

On The Genealogy of Morals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On The Genealogy of Morals - Assignment Example It was a defining aspect of ancient Egyptian culture. This was Nietzsche’s point. Morality is defined by culture, not true morality. Nietzsche’s examination of true morality was based on the question of morality as a basis, not morality of a culture. There are some basic morality rules that have remained unchanged throughout history. Murder, theft, and adultery have been outlawed from the beginning by most cultures. These are not defined by anyone culture, but by most. The cultural values are what set a culture apart from another. For example, Christianity has had set moral laws based on the Ten Commandments. Jewish culture has set moral laws not only by the Ten Commandments, but other laws outlined in the Torah or Christian Old Testament. The Chinese Culture has been influenced by Taoism, Buddhism, and other Eastern religions. Religion has set the morality in many cultures. Another point that Nietzsche made is today’s culture trying to atone for their culture’s past. An example would be America trying to make up for slavery. There is not way a culture can ‘make up’ for the past. The only solution is to try and search for true morality, and then live that way. Nietzsche warned that cultures trying to atone for the past have already ended their culture’s growth toward true

Monday, August 12, 2019

Business Organisation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Organisation - Assignment Example Currently, it is making a strong presence in the United States and other parts of Europe (Ted Baker Plc 2006). Its 2006 annual report states that the company has 102 retail outlets comprised of 19 UK stores, 7 overseas stores, 68 concessions, and 8 outlet stores. Since its inception, Ted Baker Plc has already imbued itself with the commitment of quality designer clothes. The company's core competence is threefold comprising design, product quality, and attention to detail. The company is known to have "for applying quirky twists to their products" (Ted Baker Plc Annual Report 2006). Thus, Ted Baker has become the "official outfitter" (Hoovers 2006) for trendy individuals. Instead of trying to capture the mass market, the company opts to win the purchasing power of the high-end market who wants quality and top of the line clothing. It is irrefutable that business organisations like Ted Baker Plc need to cope with the challenges posed by the changes and developments happening in their external environments. This report will look at how the impact of the evolution of a single global village in the operations and strategic directions. Each recommendation will be supported by analyses utilising management tools and techniques. In order to recommend strategic direction that Ted Baker Plc should t... These tools are designed to reveal the internal factors which affect the performance and well being of the firm. Recognizing that environmental forces are also important, environmental scanning will also be conducted. The conceptual frameworks to be used are Porter's generic strategies, Porter's five forces model, and SWO analysis. 2.1. Porter's Generic Strategies According to Porter, companies can stick to three best strategies-cost leadership, market segmentation, and differentiation. Generic strategies are highly commended because they identify a certain area that a company can focus instead of trying to be "everything." These definite winning strategies help business organizations to market scope and their competency (Thomson 2004). In its website, Ted Baker Plc states its threefold strategy as: "considered expansion of Ted Baker collections; controlled distribution through main channels-retail wholesale, and licensing; and carefully managed development of overseas markets" (Ted Baker Plc 2006). As stated above, these strategies are supported by the manufacturer's main competences which are design, product quality, and attention to detail. Through these factors, Ted Baker Plc is able to establish an image of quality and trend which sets it apart from its other competitors. Even though clothing is very much like a homogenous good, the business organisation is able to define itself and create an image in the mind of consumers. In line with Porter's generic strategies, it is apparent that the company is banking on a differentiation strategy for success. Ted Baker offers not just any other ordinary clothing company. Standardstyle states that the company's products are